
Arriving Deluge

డిసెంబర్ 2016

Boating silently
and leaving behind no ripples
in the reflecting water
that is parched for blue,
I abandon myself to the sky.

The thin line
of bleached horizon
becomes my spinal cord
and I come awake.

pours a speckled sun
with lobes of lung
in and out,
green and red
splintering a rain
of heat and vapour
into the sky.

Streaks of
chalked yellow come away
in spirited dances
and I am confused.

I cannot say when
the rain becomes the sun
and the sun
becomes the rain.
I cannot say
where the
beige nothingness
to meet the bleached white.

One Response to Arriving Deluge

  1. M.Subbarao
    December 6, 2016 at 11:52 am

    “Boating silently,
    pours a speckled sun, Streaks of
    chalked yellow come away”

    These are good imaginary usages.
    good poem

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